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No More Data Silos: How Hertha BSC Creates a Perfect Fan Experience With a Single Sign-On Solution

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Hertha BSC is a true football icon. As one of the first pure soccer clubs in Germany, Hertha looks back on a history of more than 100 years and is affectionately known as “the Old Lady.” Nowadays, the club combines tradition and innovation in equal measure. The soccer business is fast moving and is significantly influenced by current developments in ecommerce, for example. With Shopify Plus, the club ensures a best-in-class online experience, delivering a complete omnichannel solution while securing it stays ahead of the e-commerce game thanks to Shopify's innovative DNA.

Hertha BSC chose Shopify Plus as its shop system due to its multifunctionality, fast time to market, and flexibility and simplicity.


Hertha BSC is in the fortunate but challenging position of having a large following. The company’s focus is not on traditional customers, but rather on fans and the creation of a perfect customer journey for them. Instead of a homogeneous target group, the club is faced with a colorful mix of very different supporters. The customer approach must take place via various channels.

The club had to integrate its online and offline offerings in order to create great experiences for its fans. The biggest challenge in building an omnichannel experience was different data silos not communicating with each other. Data from different channels such as ticketing, the online store, and the retail store had to be merged.

Hertha BSC was faced with the challenge of creating a single sign-on solution that would later be supplemented by marketing automation measures. The focus was always on the fan and increasing customer value through a better customer approach and fan experience.


Hertha BSC chose CodeAgentur for its migration from Shopware to Shopify Plus and the quick go-live of the new online shop. The digital ecosystem was intensively analyzed and conversations with fans were held to create a list of requirements. It was important to work closely with the fans and not lose focus on the customer experience.

Shopify Plus was the perfect system to get to market fast with the new online service, to implement changes quickly and easily, and to not let the costs get out of hand.


After only six months of development the club’s new online store went live with the 2023/24 season. In the future, Hertha BSC wants to keep an eye on fan behavior and constantly improve the fan experience by expanding its offerings. With a single sign-on solution, the club is already creating a unique fan experience. The use of Shopify’s omnichannel solution, and thus the integration of the numerous fan stores, as well as live TV offerings, are additional milestones for the club.

 Making communication with end customers as smooth and sexy as possible—from the initial decision to the stadium experience to the post-purchase—is game changing to turn a customer into a fan. 

Hertha BSC

Samii Selant — Head of Sales

Secteur d’activité

Vêtements et accessoires



Plateforme précédente



Shopify Plus

Avec Shopify, Hertha BSC a rapidement obtenu des résultats.


months from concept to go-live


single sign-on solution for the perfect fan experience


response time to react quickly to circumstances

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