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Data-driven insights for elevated global growth

EY, the global leader in tax and compliance, shares an independent report on selling internationally with Managed Markets.

Cover of the ultimate guide to ultimate growth: 3 shipping best practices.

EY Report

Businesses on Managed Markets get results


of businesses expand sales into additional countries


international sales growth by top-performing brands


average increase in international sales

Data based on a sample of 567 brands according to research commissioned by Shopify from EY.

Ready to scale? Read the report on selling beyond borders with Shopify

Unlock international expansion

Cross-border sales are complex. Managed Markets uses a Merchant of Record model to take care of the hard parts for you.

Streamline and centralize operations

Selling internationally can come with higher operating costs and drain resources. Managed Markets saves you time and cuts overhead.

Localize shopping experiences and ship faster

International customers want a familiar experience. Managed Markets localizes payments and provides express deliveries at preferred rates.

Caden Lane saw a 225% increase in international affiliate revenue.

It was a no brainer… It’s easy for the everyday merchant to turn on.

  • Impact Dog Crates logo.
  • Beekman 1802 logo.
  • SuitShop logo.
  • Caden Lane logo.
  • WOLFpak logo.
A Shopify tablet stand on a sales counter with a payment terminal next to it.

EY Report

Grow globally with the keys to success

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International Sales

Scale your global business

Learn more about the Shopify solutions that make cross-border sales simple.